

Thursday, May 25, 2023

April/May Garden Progress

This year I planned to have a modest garden of snap peas, raspberries, and strawberries. Because of my breast cancer diagnosis and going through chemo (and soon surgery and recovery over the summer), I knew this little bit was all that I was going to be able to handle….and I couldn't even take care of it during chemo weeks. 

April 22nd

But then Anthony came home with some tomato plants from his friend that he planted.....

......And Sam and my Dad surprised me with adding beets, bush beans, pole beans, corn, cantaloupe, squash, and watermelon! A full garden with every bed filled! They promised to take good care of it when I couldn't, lol, and I trust them. 

They planted the end of April/beginning of May, and everything has started to break through the ground an thrive! 

May 24th

The snap peas are doing amazing and I've already gotten a few snap peas to snack on! It was hard to get them to start to trellis up when they were little because the wind kept knocking them down, but once they got a little bigger and we helped wrap their little arms around the supports, they took off! I think watching snap peas grow is one of my favorites in the garden. 


My newly planted raspberry bushes sure have taken off. I use to have raspberry plants in the bed on the far right, but over the past few years, they started to dwindle and die off. It was time to start fresh with brand new plants and they are thriving! As they continue to grow, we'll get some support trellis in there for them. 

Just like the raspberries, it was time to get some new strawberry plants going. The back row is existing from last year, but the rest are new plants. I already have a ton of flowers coming on and it won't be long till those first berries appear and the plants send out their little shoots! 

The tomato plants Anthony planted are doing well. There was a week we thought we might lose them, but they came back and we have our first tomato forming with lots of flowers coming on. 

The beets came in a bit sporadic, but that's ok, there's still plenty there. This is our very first time planting beets and I'm so excited! We have purple and golden growing. I'm looking forward to looking up some beet recipes to try. 

As for the beans, we have bush beans on the left and pole beans on the right (with a row of corn in the middle). Only half the bush beans came in, but we got more seeds and replanted more, so we'll see if they come up. Even if they don't, it's no biggie. I'm just excited to have a garden this year to begin with....so I'm pretty easy to please at this point, haha. The pole beans are doing well. It'll be cool to have two different kinds of beans and to see which we all like best. 

The corn is doing amazing. We have three beds with rows of corn in them and they are all doing great....if we can keep Chunky out of the garden to stop chewing on the corn leaves! Planted in the middle of the corn is cantaloupe. We do have a few that have broken ground, but I haven't taken a photo of them yet. 

I don't remember what kind of squash Sam and Dad picked up, but I do know that we have two kinds and they are doing well. We just thinned them out, so they should start really taking off now. And then there is a row of corn in the middle of the squash. 

Last, but not least, we have two watermelon plants. One isn't doing so hot right now because the bed tends to drain fairly quickly, but we just put straw in the bed to help support them and keep moisture in the soil, so we'll see if it bounces back. 

Doesn't the garden look great!?


I am looking forward to watching the garden grow over the course of the summer and sharing photos! 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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