

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Bumpkins at the Boutique

I have some exciting news!

I was offered a booth at one of our local shops,The Bargain Boutique, to sell our Goldendale Country Bumpkins items! After talking things over for a bit with the shop owner, and figuring out all the logistics, I decided I should give it a go! It will be nice to have our items out in the public eye instead of just collecting dust in the shop waiting for a day when we feel up to doing the farmers market or a bazaar. 

I started setting up this past Friday, but quickly realized I didn't bring enough items to fill the booth space like I wanted, lol. So Saturday morning I got some more items ready, and got those added to the booth. (The photos below are from Friday, not after completing the booth on Saturday. I'll have to get some updated photos!).

It took a lot of work to get things ready. We had to order paneling to display my signs. So that was an investment. I spent a lot of time in the shop freezing my butt off looking over all my items, repackaging, repricing, writing our booth number on the tags, etc. etc. I also hopped on the computer and designed new business cards, as well as information cards to go along with my soap. Unfortunately I don't have any soap ready to sell right now, but I do have 3 different batches curing, and they should be ready to put in the booth around Valentines Day! 

I am very excited about this new adventure! I really hope things go smoothly and I can make a bit of money! If after a a handful of months I'm struggling to make the booth fee and not making any money for myself, I will readdress the booth idea. But for now, I'm thankful to have this opportunity and looking forward to the upkeep of my booth! 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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