

Monday, January 27, 2020


I thought it time for a Leo update!

I got Leo the tail end of June, as an early birthday present for myself. He was about 9 weeks old and about 6 pounds. 

Just look at him now! My little pup isn't so little anyone! He's about 9 1/2 months. Waaahhh! And look at his nose! I didn't even realize the gradual change from all black to black and tan until looking back on old photos. 

I haven't stepped on the scale with him recently, but I'm guessing he's about 20 pounds. Can you believe they told me they thought he would be about 12 pounds like his mom? LOL Clearly whatever dad was (who knows....only mom was found with her 6 pups), he takes after him! 

That's alright, I like him being bigger. Makes him sturdier and there is more of him to snuggle!  

Leo is the perfect combination between good boy and little stinker. He still hates car rides, insists on alerting us to any living creature that might walk into the yard, likes to dig if he thinks there is something good there to dig up, and might only come when you call his name 80% of the time, and he sheds. But boy does he have his good qualities too! 

He is sweet, and smart, and silly and playful. Without fail greets me every morning with a play bow and a wagging tail. He is the best snuggler (and I do mean the best!). He is a wonderful protector...getting up when I get up, following me all around the house, making sure I stay safe while using the bathroom (lol). Leo is extremely punctual. He knows exactly when it is time for bed, and sometimes even beats us to it. He is good at cleaning up our food messes, a hoot to play with (our favorite is peek a boo while he's on the bed and I'm on the floor peeking up over the side of the bed, haha!), and fun to watch play with his squeaky ball. 

Ahh, yes. I admit it. I love this dog. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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