

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Keein' It Squatchy

Anthony, what a lucky boy he is! We took him to his 2nd Bigfoot presentation and exhibit at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center in The Dalles, OR. This time the presentation was put on by Cliff Barackman from the Discovery Channel's show Finding Bigfoot. To read about our first Bigfoot presentation and exhibit click HERE.

We are very fortunate that the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center has this exhibit going on right now and is playing host to a few Bigfoot presentations. How awesome to be able to take Anthony to these, and it's only an hour from our home! 

We had an amazing time! Cliff was very friendly and lively and talked about his travels, findings, and what's to come. Anthony just ate up every single word. After the presentation, we had the chance to talk with Cliff in the hallway and Anthony chatted with him a bit:

Anthony, "On Christmas Eve I heard 3 Bigfoot howls, but I didn't answer him back." 
Cliff, "Well, it's a good thing you didn't answer him back....it was Christmas Eve and you didn't know what he wanted!" 

I asked a few questions too.....like where do Sasquatch sleep and has he ever found any "bedding" and what about Sasquatch poop? Yes....I did....I asked about Sasquatch poop....because everybody poops, right? So where's all the Sasquatch poop? haha 

We got a photo with Cliff and Anthony purchased a Bigfoot 1/2 foot casting. Super cool. He loves it. 


I'm glad we can help nurture something Anthony is so into. I guess you can say he's turning us all into "Bigfooters" around here. We'll be keepin' it Squatchy over here in Goldendale, that's for sure! 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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