

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Quarantine, Day 22. Bacteria Growth Check-In!

After 6 days of bacteria growth, it was time to sit down, make some predictions, and then take a gander at our petri dishes! 

Which swabbed surface area did they think would have the most bacteria growth so far? Which did they think would have the least? 

After 6 days of growth, this is what we've got! 

By far the most disgusting is the PlayStation remote from Anthony's batch. The next worse would be Molly's tablet from her batch. And then the computer keyboard from Timothy's batch. YUCK!!! I hope this will teach the kids to clean their electronics more, lol. 

Next, we looked over their hand swabbed petri dishes. Each kiddo chose one to leave as a control, and the second one we used to experiment on. I cut up blotter paper, 3 small pieces for each kiddo, and we soaked them in different cleaning solutions. 1 in iodine, 1 in purell hand sanitizer, and the last was rubbed over a wet bar of soap. We took these soaked blotter papers and placed them in the experimental hand swabbed petri dish for each kiddo. We'll see what affect the different cleaners have on the bacteria growth! 

Now back to the warm, dark box for some more bacteria growth! I think we'll give them another 5-7 days and then we'll wrap this good time up! 

With love,
Home-schooling Mama Hauck

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