

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Anthony's Birthday Shenanigans

Ohh Anthony! 

Our big boy woke up early and went to work for a few hours on his birthday! That is definitely a first and shows just how much he's grown. I couldn't believe it when I walked out and caught him dressed in his work clothes and heading for the door. I was actually sad! So before he headed out the door, I asked him open his birthday stocking, lol. Just so we could get in some birthday fun before he worked for a bit. 

Last year for his birthday, Anthony had all his buddies over for an airsoft gun battle a few days before his actual birthday. Then on his birthday, we took him to get his license! His 16th was a pretty special birthday for him. This year, he didn't really want any big plans, but did ultimately decide to have his friends over for some hang time once he got home from working for a while. Nothing special was planned, they just wanted to hang out. I still got a bunch of snacks and made a triple batch of my homemade mac and cheese per Anthony's special request, and Sammy made burgers.  

Not having any special plans, the boys literally just hung out. They took 4-wheeler rides, jumped on the trampoline, wrestled around, and play fought each other with the boys' homemade pool noodle swords. Boys will be boys, no matter the age. And I LOVE it! Nothing brings me more joy than watching my babies spend time with their friends, having fun.  Anthony has such an amazing group of young men to call his friends. I have always been thankful for that. 


We love you deeply, Anthony! Thanks for always putting up with my request for photos! 


Anthony loves my carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, so I definitely had to make that for his birthday cake! We ended the evening with cake and signing happy birthday with all of his friends. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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