

Monday, June 28, 2021

Happy 12th Birthday, Molly!

Molly, there are times when I look at you and think to myself oh boy, she's stubborn, opinionated, sassy.....and I think those things like they are undesirable traits. 

It wasn't until recently, after stopping and really thinking about those traits, did I realize I am wrong in thinking they are undesirable. I only thought that because I face those from you daily and it sure does wear me down sometimes. But in truth, those traits make you strong and resilient. Something I think every child is going to need for their future. 

So I'd like to rebrand those traits.

You are not stubborn, you are independent. You don't need someone to follow, and you don't need someone always telling you what to do and how to think. You can make your own decisions. You don't go along with the crowd just because everyone else is. You know what's right, what's wrong, and you don't need to change yourself to please others or fit in. 

You are not opinionated, you are outspoken. You have found your voice and aren't afraid to use it. You say what you are feeling and thinking. You ask questions. You discuss. You negotiate. You speak up. You even speak up for those that don't or can't for themselves. 

You are not sassy, you are bold. You don't let anyone get the better of you. You don't let anyone tell you you can't do something. You stand up for yourself. You take on challenges head first. You let yourself feel your emotions, but then you put your big girl panties on and get to it. You are a tough cookie. 

The world needs more independent, outspoken, and bold. 

And, of course, lets not forget your other traits....creative, sweet, loving, hard working, funny, kind. 

The world needs more Molly's. Definitely. We couldn't be more proud of the young woman you are growing into. 

I am so glad you are mine, Molly. 

Happy 12th Birthday, Molly Lynn! We love you beyond measure. 

With love,                                                                                                          Mama Hauck 

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