

Monday, May 27, 2024

Alaskan Adventure

Our friends, The Lucas's, who have lived just down the road from us since Timothy was a babe, moved to Healy, Alaska a few years ago because Travis took on a new job. It wasn't suppose to be a permanent relocation, but their oldest, Wyatt, loved Alaska so much, they decided to stay put until he graduated from high school and got on his feet. It was hard to see them go, and we've missed them terribly. Amanda and the kids come up every summer for a few weeks to stay at the house (they never sold or rented it out), and it's great to visit with them while they are here, but I've missed having them be around year round. 

This is the year Wyatt graduates! We were extremely fortunate enough to have the Lucas's not only extend an invitation to us to come to Alaska to be there for his graduation, but to pay for our trip out as well. 

How amazing is that!? We are so grateful for their kindness. 

We flew out very early on the morning of Saturday, May 18th. It had been a few years since the kids and I had flown, so we were looking forward to the adventure. 


We landed in Fairbanks around 1130ish, and after getting our bags and rental car, we embarked on the 2 hour drive to Healy. After such a long day of traveling, all we wanted to do was relax. So that's what we did! We just hung out and got caught up with everyone. 

On Sunday we headed to Denali National Park, which is literally right in their backyard. It's maybe a 15 minute drive! We were fortunate to be there on the very last day the public could drive their own personal vehicle 43 miles into the park. After Sunday, if you wanted to go that far into the park, you needed to book a bus tour. 

The views were beautiful! We didn't see any bear, but we did see elk off at a distance. I didn't mind not seeing a bear....as that's my fear! We stopped once and took a little walk up a steep pathway. I wanted to do more, but I still lack a lot of strength and stamina after going through treatment. There was a flat trail I wanted to do, but it was temporarily closed due to bear sightings. So yeah, I was good with not going on that, haha. We stopped again at a beautiful marshy lake to hang out for a while. We took some photos and ate some snacks. At the very end of the 43 miles is a large boardwalk area where you are greeted with more spectacular views. We never actually got to see Denali itself  because of the clouds and such, but the surrounding mountain range was beautiful enough for me. We greatly enjoyed the day! 

Amanda's family flew in on Monday. Wyatt's graduation party was Tuesday. And his actual graduation was Wednesday. Between graduation festivities, we mostly hung out. Sam helped Travis build a fire bit and benches. The girls helped the men cut down some trees. The kids did a lot of 4-wheeling. We went to the tourist shops down by Denali a few times. We hung out, chatted, and overall just relaxed. It was pretty dang cool when we saw a baby moose in their yard! It hung around all week. 


Happy graduation, Wyatt!! We all wore Hawaiian shirts because Wyatt loves old Hawaiian shirts. We were, by far, the best dressed group in attendance! LOL

Thursday was our last full day in Alaska, and the plan was for Wyatt to give us an ATV tour. Wyatt has been working for The Black Diamond Resort as an ATV tour guide for a bit now. I was SO excited he was able to secure us a spot on one of his tours. IT WAS AMAZING. Seriously the most fun I have had in such a long time. The weather was less than perfect, with overcast skies and rain off and on, but that didn't matter one bit. 

The kids rode in a 6 seater with Wyatt, and Sam and I took a 2 seater. There were 3 other older couples on the tour with us (they joined us off of the cruise ship that docks in the area and allows people to experience the Denali area). 

Mid way through, we stopped off and this little cabin building and were treated to a HUGE meal! We had cornbread, coleslaw, noodle salad, chili, corn, ribs, chicken, white fish, salmon, and a delicious baked apple dessert. It was just what we needed to warm ourselves back up before the rest of the ride back to base. 

After we all got back from the Black Diamond Tour, Sam and I decided to take the 4-wheeler out for a bit since we hadn't taken the opportunity to do so yet. Just a minute from their house is this huge creek bed with a ton of gorgeous rocks and a beautiful view. We definitely enjoyed our time out. 

We had an amazing Alaskan adventure, thanks to our friends! I can't say that I want to live in Alaska, but I sure would visit again! We'll add it to our bucket list. 

THANKS, FRIENDS!!! We love you! 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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