

Monday, May 13, 2024

Timothy's Birthday Shenanigans

For Timothy's birthday this year, he wanted to have a few of his buddies sleepover! Peter, Harrison, Michael, and Tuck. I picked everyone up after school got out on Friday, and we headed straight home for some fun hang time. 

The boys enjoyed snacks, pizza and ice cream for dinner. They jumped on the trampoline, had a water gun and water balloon fight, took a dip in the hot tub, and enjoyed lots of gaming time. It was a fun evening filled with lots of laughter. 

Rise and shine! Happy 12th Birthday, Timothy! The boys woke up to a large breakfast, and then Timothy wasted no time opening up gifts from Mama and Papa, including his birthday stocking. 

The rest of the day was spent largely outside, with the boys doing tractor rides, playing ball, playing in the sprinkler, and...more gaming, lol. 

I hope you had a super fun birthday, hunny bunny! It was nice having your friends over and watching you get to spend time with them.

With love,                                                                                                      Mama Hauck

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