

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Goaties Enjoying the Field

With May in full swing, I thought it about time we let the boys out into the back pasture. Not only would it give them more space to roam, but with them eating the field for now, we'll go through less hay. I thought it would cut down on the amount of poop in the round pen, but I was wrong. They still seem to fancy spending most of their time in the round pen, and pooping while their at it. Ugh. 

Its fun watching them out in the field! They love to run and chase after you, never wanting to be far from your side. I take them and the dogs on "walks" around the field and it's a hoot to watch all 6 animals wanting to be the closest one to you, haha. Though I have to be careful and watch everyone, Dexter got a little frisky one time and rammed Daisy in the side. She was so caught off guard, she went flying with a loud yelp. I felt so bad! Naughty Dexter! 

But, all in all, they are silly little goats and I love watching them frolic through the field. 

I'm unsure when we'll restrict their access to the field. There's a lot there for them to munch on for some time, but we don't want it to get over eaten and beat down, as we want to keep the field healthy for years to come. So we'll see. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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