

Friday, June 28, 2024

Happy 15th Birthday, Molly!

Molly, you have always been our firecracker. Our wild card. Our Molly Tamale. From the day you were born, you have been unapologetically yourself. You are everything I wish I could have been at your age. Outspoken, brave, confident. I love that about you. The World needs more girls who know exactly who they are, what they want, and make no apologies for it. I'm just now reaching that stage in my life, and here you are already crushing it. You are loyal, kind, witty, smart, silly, and funny as hell. You always have us roaring with laughter! You are also stubborn and a good negotiator. I'd be lying if I said I didn't love that about you as well!

In a time when life is typically all about friends, I love that you want to hang out with your 'ol Mama. I love that you share your life with me. I cherish our girl time and our girl talks. It has been a joy watching you grow into the amazing young woman that you are. I am so proud of you.

Happy 15th Birthday, Molly Lynn Elizabeth! 

With love,                                                                                                                  Mama Hauck

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Happy 17th Birthday, Anthony!

17 years old. My word, I don't know how we are here already.  

Anthony, you are one of the best humans I know. Truly. I don't think you realize just how amazing you are. You have a mind and soul as deep and wonderous as the night sky. Everyday I thank the Universe that I was chosen to be your Mama. It has been my greatest joy watching you grow into the fine young man that you are. I love your loyalty to those you love. I love your unjudging kindness to everyone you meet. I love your inquisitive mind. I love that you question everything (even authority!). I deeply enjoy our talks and our time spent together. 

I am your biggest fan. Your ride or die. Always in your corner. Always cheering for you. 

Happy 17th Birthday, Anthony Carl! 

With love,
Mama Hauck

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Happy Gotcha Day, Leo!

From the second I saw his photo online, I knew he was meant to be mine. I filled out all the appropriate paperwork, talked for days with the rescue, and ohhhh so impatiently waited to see if I would be approved. 

Finally the word came, and 5 years ago today, I drove 2 hours away to Wags To Riches to pick up my boy. 

Leopold and I quickly became inseparable. I didn't realize just how much my heart could love him. I didn't realize just how deeply my soul needed him. 


And just as much as I love him, he loves me. Leo is always by my side. On the good days....and the bad. I couldn't have gotten through this breast cancer journey....chemo, surgery, immunotherapy.....without him. Every second of every day, he was there by my side, without fail. 


I am so grateful the universe placed him in my life. He is, without a doubt, my soulmate. 

5 years and counting, sweet boy. Happy Gotcha Day, Leopold Sebastian! 

With love,
Mama Hauck