

Monday, April 10, 2023


I know I keep saying it, and it's probably getting old, but this year has just been different. And I know it'll continue to be. Easter was at the tail end of Spring break this year. It was also my chemo week. Knowing we weren't going to be doing anything for Spring break because of chemo, we allowed Molly to take a trip to Colorado to see a friend who moved there last year. So she was gone all of Spring break. This was her first time flying alone, and from what I hear, everything went smooth and she had a great time visiting her friend. Her return flight was Sunday late afternoon, which was Easter. It felt weird waking up Easter morning and not making a huge breakfast. And equally as weird not to be doing baskets and our egg hunt in the morning. But I really didn't want to do anything without Molly home. Easter would just have to wait until the evening. At least I was well enough to get out of bed! 

We didn't dye eggs this year, but I did manage to get the kids' baskets filled and all the plastic eggs stuffed and ready to hide. All the grandparents came over to hang out for the day while Sam was gone picking Molly up from the airport, and my mom was in charge of cooking. So all I had to do was relax until they got home. 

It was about 5pm when they arrived home, and we wasted no time diving into Easter baskets! 

Then we did our egg hunt....

....Followed by our delicious dinner of pork chops, rice and gravy, biscuits, asparagus, and salad that my mom cooked. 

And lastly, because the kiddos continue to be good sports for their Mama, our annual bunny ear photo! LOL

With love,
Mama Hauck

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