

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June Garden Progress

The garden sure is chugging along! It had been on the cooler side here recently, so things were slow to get going. We left for camping last Friday, got home Monday, and today I went out to check the garden and had a nice bounty waiting for me to pick! I suppose that's what happens when you're away from home and you get a weekend of warm weather! 

The sunflowers have exploded! I definitely have to get out there and weed around them all. 

The strawberries are doing amazing! The kids love to pick them as they ripen each day, so we are averaging 7-8 a day. But being gone for four days means coming home to TONS of ready berries!! YUM!! 

Broccoli crowns started to form a few weeks ago. I cut the first ready heads off of three plants this morning! It'll be nice to be able to stagger the harvest. 

The snap peas are coming in beautifully! At first it was a few here and there that we would pick and eat right then and there, but again, after being gone for four days, I got a whole bowl full this morning! 

The swiss chard has been steadily growing. I should have picked a long time ago, but I've been putting it off. I finally picked a whole bunch this morning and plan to use some in green smoothies and try some mixed in a salad. 

Our cabbage is coming right along. We lost one a while ago, but five is plenty. They are steadily growing and so far we haven't had issues with earwigs destroying them. Fingers crossed! 

Ahh, my beloved raspberries! Berries are starting to form and I can already taste their deliciousness! I can't wait!!! 

Sammy's variety of tomato plants are doing really well. He's got a ton of flowers on all the plants and tomatoes starting on a few. I know he is excited to have that first tomato from the garden! I think Anthony likes the little ones. 

The only thing I thought would be farther along than it is is the bush beans. They are just growing as slow as molasses. Hmmmmm, we shall see how they progress. 

Here is a photo of the harvest I got this morning!! Beautiful!! I am so thankful. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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