

Monday, March 16, 2020

Quarantine, Day 3. The Start of Homeschooling!

I was crossing my fingers it wouldn't come to this, but I completely understand schools shutting down. And the more I thought about it, the more I was ok with it. Being as I deal with Hoshimoto's disease, an autoimmune disorder (among other things), I'm ok with not having my children and myself out. Lets just hole up at home for awhile and take a breather. 

Things are definitely feeling crazy right now. So much changing on a day-to-day basis for everyone. All we can do is take things one day at a time. 

With the closing of our school, at first I was like, what in the heck am I suppose to do? How am I to home school my three children? Most days I have the patience of a sleep deprived wolverine who needs a snack. Well, that worry lasted all of 5 minutes. I took a deep breath, put on my big-girl sweat pants, and got to planning. 

I spent a full day mapping out a general schedule, printing math and language arts papers for Molly and Timothy, signing all three kids up for math on Khan Academy online, and brain storming fun ideas for the weeks to come. 

I know there are some who are taking the "I'm not going to home school, I'm not going to make my kids do any work. I'm going to let my kids do whatever and just surround them with love during this trying time. They're under enough stress right now." And others who are like "Hold my wine, I'm going to plan every second of every day! Roar! Lets to this!!" 

Me? I'm a middle of the road king of Mama. I know my kids, and they thrive on consistency. Do they get chill time? Yes. Do they get time for fun? Yes. Do they get my arms wrapped around them in comfort if they are feeling stressed? Yes. But they are also required to practice their instruments, help with chores, play with the dogs, and do school work. Like me, they are required to put on their big-kid sweats and carry on. I think it is great to tend to our children's emotional needs during this time where they are missing their friends, missing their normal life, and might be feeling scared or uncertain of what the future holds. However, I also think kids need structure and consistency and parents who don't panic and fall to pieces. I think that helps them feel safe and secure more than anything else. They need a bit of structure and normalcy made for them. 

So that's where I'm at. 

My kids and I get to sleep in till 7:30, something we never get to do being our bus shows up to the bus stop (that is 3 miles from our home!) at 7. It's been nice to let them get some much needed sleep. We then make beds, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and all pitch in to do our house chores. Then we take 2 hours to do math, reading, instruments, and whatever craft I might have planned that day. Boom. Academics done by noon. Noon!! 

They get to watch TV while I make lunch, then they're off and doing whatever they see fit play wise while I have some time to myself. If all has gone well, the kids get 1 hour of game time. Then Papa's home and it's dinner and family time! Maybe we go for a walk, maybe it's the trampoline, maybe we play a board game, or maybe we watch a movie. 

Hopefully this loose schedule will work out wonderfully for us. But we're only human. Not perfect. We all have our moments. I know my kids are going to bicker back and forth and drive me bonkers. I know sometimes fits are going to be thrown over chores. I know sometimes no one will want to throw the ball for the dogs. And I know sometimes I will stress eat too much ice cream and then feel guilty. I should probably designate an IHS (in home suspension, haha) space for naughty kids. 

No matter what, it'll all be good times, because my babies will be home with me. I haven't had all three of them home with me since Timothy was born. 

Lets get on with this quarantine business. We got this. 

With love,
Home-Schooling Mama Hauck (lol) 

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