

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Attack of the Stomping Deer

My poor sweet Leo got trampled by a deer yesterday! What is the World coming to when a doggie can't even take a poop in his own yard without getting stomped on by a deer!? 

I'm serious though. He went to the potty cone and was right in the middle of going poop when he saw the deer, gave a bark, and the deer ran to him and trampled him before he could get away! 

Tim saw the whole thing because he was playing hooky from school due to being sick. I was busy elsewhere in the house and just hear Timothy saying, "What's that noise out there? Ohhhh!! LEO!!!" 

Ughhh. He came limping to the house and inside yelping and crying and not putting any weight on his back right leg. I immediate called the vet and was able to get him in right away. Nothing was broken, thank goodness, but he was pretty bruised and banged up. I knew for sure he must be hurting because he is NOT a fan of car rides (still), but he was quite the whole way in and then back home again. Not a single peep because he felt so yucky. Poor boy. 

Dr. Carl prescribed pain meds and lots of cuddles. 

It was a full 2 days before he started to put any pressure on his leg at all.  And then it was like any time he was making progress, something would happen! Daisy would play too rough and crush his leg....Leo would roll over on the couch and fall off and land on his leg....lol. It was a full week and a half before he was back to normal. During this whole time I was afraid to let him out the front! He was confined to the house and the back fenced yard. Poor thing was going mad with boredom, haha. 

Let me tell you, the deer out here are complete assholes. And its not just the Mama deer with young ones, it's all the deer. 

Daisy used to chase them off no problem, now she second guesses if she even should. She can chase them off, but as soon as she turns her back, they're charging her! They for sure stand their grown and snort and hoof the dirt. And that's true for me as well! Many times I've gone out with a walking stick to run them off from eating our trees and such, and as soon as I've stopped advancing and turn my back, they decided to come after me! I've told the kids to not even think about going after the deer anymore. I don't know what's gotten into them, maybe as food gets more scarce, they get meaner. Who knows. Assholes. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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