

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Last First Tooth

Our last little one has officially lost his first baby tooth! Hooray! 

Tim was so excited to finally have a loose tooth! That is, until he realized how annoying it was and became frustrated that this wasn't a quick process!

I can't do teeth. For some reason, they just get to me. So back in late July when he came up to show me his wiggly tooth, I was like, "Eeeekkk, wiggly tooth! I'm out!" This is Papa's department! Hahaha

Poor Tim, from first wiggle to last yank, it took almost 2 months! The past 3 weeks have been the hardest. Every day he'd be telling us how much it was bothering him and how badly he wanted it out. I kept telling him to just keep wiggling it and sooner or later it would come out when it was ready! He really delighted in giving me the heebie-jeebies by cranking that thing back and forth in front of me. Ick. 

When Papa offered to try and pull it out by wrapping dental floss around it and giving it a tug, he happily accepted the offer! HA! What a brave boy!! Unfortunately, this method never worked, that darn dental floss kept slipping off. We offered pliers (lol!), but he declined. 

Finally, yesterday when he got home from school, that sucker was sticking out sideways. I new it was the night! Before bed time, Tim asked Papa to help him yank his tooth out. He was NOT going another day with it in his head! Again, we tried the dental floss method....but his tooth is so little! Finally he was just like pull it out! And so Papa did! Just like that! 

Timothy getting his tooth pulled out! 

There wasn't too much blood, which he was pleased about. After checking himself out in the mirror, he deemed himself fit for public appearance. 

Time for the tooth fairy pillow! It's seen better days (I should probably fix that missing eye ball), but he was sooo excited to  have that in his hot little hand all ready to stick under his pillow!  

This morning, the shit eating grin on Timothy's face when he walked out with his loot was totally priceless!! A gold dollar and a huge silver half dollar!? Score! He was so excited, he wore a shirt with a pocket on the front so he could put it in his pocket to show everyone at school! What a cutie pie!! 

So, in all honesty, I was really hoping this tooth wouldn't budge until after school photos next Friday....but my God, if he isn't the cutest lost tooth boy I have ever seen! 

There you go, Tim! Your first baby tooth is out! You never thought it would actually happen. Never thought you'd get to be the one with the tooth fairy pillow. Yet here we are! And now, there will be many more teeth to come! 

Ohh goody. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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