

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hauck Boys In Cross Country

Now that Timothy is in 7th grade, he can finally join cross country for our school! This is Anthony's 3rd year. I'm really excited because they are 5 years apart, and I never imagined they'd be able to do anything together.....but here they are, both in cross country. And in the Spring they'll both do track. I am loving that they'll be able to share this experience for 1 year. 

I was afraid Timothy ruined his season before it even started! A little over a week before practice was to start, he badly sprained his ankle. That was a fun ER visit at 11 at night! NOT!! We were afraid he had a hairline fracture in his growth plate, but thankfully two sets of x-rays proved it was just a bad sprain. He was suppose to miss the whole first week of practice, but he insisted he was in no pain and could start mid-week, having only missed a few days. 


Now, I don't know if it's because he should have waited longer and he didn't allow his ankle to fully heal, or if it's just because the stress and strain of running so much for cross country is new for Tim's body and he has to work out the muscle tightness kinks in his body....but he's been having pain in his foot and it hasn't been fun for him. He's soaking, ice packing, stretching, putting muscle rub on....and still pain. So we'll see if he just needs some more time to adjust, if his shoes are a bad fit, or what. He was going to talk to his coach and apparently they have a sports physical therapist that comes to the HS he can go see. So that would be good. 

Anyway, yesterday the boys had their first cross country meet. It wasn't anything truly official, it was more of an opening fun event for the various schools who attended. They had an open 1.5 mile run where everyone could participate, and then a few other 5 person team runs. 

Anthony and Timothy both ran in the open run. The top 10 ribboned. Out of over 100 + people, Anthony came in 7th. So that was super awesome! Timothy didn't ribbon, but he was happy with how he ran for his first meet, given his foot pain. At one point he said a boy passed him and called him a slow poke (totally not cool to be so mean and unsportsman like....), but once they got into the water (waist high on Timothy!), Timothy was able to pass the boy and the look on the boys face, he said, was priceless. So suck it mean boy! Haha

I am loving this photo someone took of the Goldendale team at their meet. Anthony and Timothy are on the far left. We hope to be able to go to the home meet they will have here in Goldendale in mid October. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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