

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Goats New Mineral Buffet

I always try to learn as I go. To do better as I learn. And to do what is best for my animals. So when I learned that the mixed minerals I was feeding the goats wasn't that great for them, and there was a better option, I was open to figuring out how we could make that work. 

Instead of mixed minerals, where the goats can't pick and choose what their body actually needs, leading to an overabundance of some, and a deficiency in others, there was a website called Little Avalon Farm that was selling a "mineral buffet" that consisted of 21 separate minerals. It was a bit spendy for the starter kit, but again, I always want to do what is best for my animals. It made sense to me that the goats knew what their bodies needed at any given time and needed the ability to access just what they needed. 

So I took the plunge and purchased the kit while Sam figured out how we would set the buffet up. The trouble with goats is that they are just that....TROUBLE! hahaha We knew we couldn't just put them out without some sort of guard in front. The goats would surely trash it and there would be a lot of waste from the minerals getting dirty and having to be thrown out. 

We came up with the idea to place little plastic bins we bought off Amazon into a long wooden box Sam built, and then place a panel fence in front of it so the goats could only stick their heads through to reach the minerals. This was a brilliant idea and worked perfectly! 

Rupert, Finn, and Dexter sure were excited to check out their minerals! For the first 10 days or so I had to fill the silicon DAILY! So obviously they were greatly deficient in silicon. They also chowed down on the phosphorus. I know it can take months and months for the goats to reach a homeostasis for their bodies, and their needs will change as the seasons change, so we are in this for the long haul. 

The great thing about the mineral buffet is that you can hop on the website at any time and order just the minerals that you need in 1#, 2#, or 5# bags.  I've had to do that with the silicon, phosphorus, and salt so far. 

And just for fun, here's some recent photos of the boys being their silly selves! Sam brought home this HUGE wooden spool and the goats just LOVE it. I was afraid they would be dumb and jump or fall off of it, but so far so good. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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