

Sunday, January 23, 2022

A Little Kayak Fun

We have a little seasonal pond at the edge of our 10 acres that is partly shared with the neighbor. There's typically a bit of water in it during late Winter when the snow starts to melt, and then more is added to it with the Spring rain. I wouldn't say it ever gets too terribly deep, but it's enough for the kids and dogs to go splash through for sure. This year, however, we got sooo much snow that melted within a decent amount of time to form this mini lake, hahaha. It was so full, you couldn't even see our fencing line that runs right down the middle of it! 

Timothy had the great idea to dig a few of our kayaks out for a little bit of kayaking fun! What a clever boy he is. He was so proud of himself for having such a great idea! He is full of them. There was a bit of ice left in the corner of the pond, and Sammy and the boys enjoyed ramming into the ice to break it up. Their laughing and happiness totally made my day. 

This was one of those moments where it was something so small, but it made a huge impact on everyones mood and just made life feel a little bit less dreary. Especially during the month of January, which can sometimes be a drag. Defintiely need more moments like this. 

With love,                                                                                                          Mama Hauck

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