

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Molly's Little Gaming Rodeo

This past Tuesday, Molly got to participate in a little gaming rodeo held by her lesson instructor, Judi, at her barn! This was a low-key event that only the other lesson kids got to participate in while all the families watched. So totally low stress and low pressure, which was super awesome for a nervous Molly who had only ever done a barrel pattern one time before this event. 

Molly got to participate in a skills run, a little trail course, a barrel run, a pole run, and finally a taste of what it would be like to stand and show your horse from the ground. She had a fantastic time and really seemed to enjoy herself! Her smiles says it all! Judi acted as one of the judges, as well as her friend Averee, who knows all about gaming and judging. 

It was super hot out, near 100*! But luckily we were able to sit under some shade and enjoy the games from the sidelines. 


Another mom at the event had an actual camera and captured these fun photos of Molly, which was super nice of her to do for me! 

After the rodeo games, Judi put on a BBQ. All the families each brought a side dish and we all had a great time chowing down while Judi and Averee read the game results and handed out the prizes. I don't know exactly how things got broken down and what type of criteria went into the judging, but Molly got 2 first place, 2 second place, and a grand champion, which was a new halter! 

We are so proud of Molly for participating and really glad she had a great time! 

We look forward to more riding in the future. Judi has decided instead of doing individual payed lessons, she is going to pick a day or two to have the kids come do a free group ride. I think she's just getting up there in age and is thinking of ways to make her life easier. While I am saddened that Molly wont be receiving individual instruction, I think she will enjoy a group atmosphere and will still learn a great deal in that type of setting. Group rides wont start till the end of September though, so we've got a break going on right now. That's just fine though since that'll allow us time to get school going and get our new routine set. 

With love,                                                                                                      Mama Hauck

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