

Friday, August 30, 2019

Dan O'Keefe's Slide

I've been working really hard on progressing on the violin! It's one of the few things I do for *me*, and I've been surprised at how much I've enjoyed it. 

Unfortunately, my violin teacher will be heading off to college in a few weeks, so my lessons will be coming to an end. I almost cried when she told me. I told her she can't leave me, "but progressing on the violin is from my bucket list!" I told her! Alas, who am I to keep her from college, from her future, lol! I joked with her that she needs to do skype lessons with me! She seems pretty confident that I'll be able to carry on and do well on my own. We will see. I am sooooo slow going when trying to figure out a song by myself. I do much better when I have my teacher play the song first so I can hear how it's suppose to sound. And I know there are just so many things I still need to learn! I'm just not ready for her to go! 

Well, sometimes things just have to come to an end. I will try to continue on my own. I have no intentions of putting the violin down just because my teacher is moving (that's what happened to me as a kid!), but I am truly saddened. I just started! *sigh* Maybe in the future I can find someone else to take lessons from. 

Here's a song called Dan O'Keefe's Slide. It is my current favorite and I'm happy that I can play it so well. This song truly makes me sound like I know what I'm doing, hahaha, but I'm not that great at every song in my repertoire. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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