

Friday, August 2, 2024

Sal-Monella 2.0

Unfortunately, our sweet, old Mr. Sal-Monella passed away a yesterday morning. We knew it was coming. He had been acting very lethargic for about a week. He was the last of our original flock, outliving all of his old hens. It was definitely a sad day. Timothy and I buried him. 

I know our ladies could do without a rooster, but I really wanted to have one. So I took to Facebook and posted on our local community page asking if anyone had a rooster they were looking to rehome. It was a requirement that he be friendly. No attack roosters, lol. 

I was swamped with responses! After talking with a handful of people, we had about 12 roosters to choose from. I numbered their photos, then when Sammy and the kids got home, I had everyone sit down and choose their top 2 based off of looks and temperament description. The rooster with the most votes would win. 

Lucky for me, the rooster I really wanted, everyone else chose as well! 

His name was Muffin, he was hatched by a 5th grade class, and raised by a young lady. He was very friendly, and could even be held (once caught!). None of our chickens are the friendly type. They aren't mean, of course, but they're not the type to come to you and allow you to pick them up like some people's chickens do. Maybe, in the future, if we were to raise some chicks ourselves and handle them daily, it would be like that. I would LOVE that. For now, however, I was just SO excited to see a rooster being held by a child and knew that was what I wanted. 

I orchestrated meeting up with the lady this morning in town, and she gave us Muffin for free because she was just so thankful to find him a good home so he didn't have to go to freezer camp! 

So meet Mr. Sal-Monella 2.0! Muffin is indeed a cute name, but I love the name Sal-Monella, and I figured the original Sal wouldn't mind. 

He is a bit difficult to catch, but once you've got him, he is so sweet to hold. I love it! The hens are all happier to have him around, and he seems ecstatic to have his own flock. 

Welcome to your new home, Sal! 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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