

Friday, February 12, 2021

Power Outage Fun: Playing Hooky from School

Yesterday the kids were all nestled in, chrome books in hand, minding their own business, working on their school work.....when the power went out! Ohhhhhh it was such perfect timing!!

Having them sitting on their butts, staring at a screen doing online school pretty much all day gets really old, really fast. 

I love having them here at home and spending more time with them....most of the time, lol....but they need to be in school. They need more interaction, less electronics. I will be thankful when they can go to in-person school more than just 2 days a week (though I am thankful they at least get that!). 

So the power went out. It was pretty chilly outside, and the snow was just starting to accumulate. At first the kids were like oh my gosh, I can't do school, what do we do!? I assured them their teachers would be glad for them to have a snow day, and we all took ourselves outside to play because what was the point of twiddling our thumbs inside? Molly and I went down to the hoses, and Anthony and Tim were doing...something. Pretty soon it drew Molly's attention, and then mine. 

Anthony had a plan. Build a fire, cook lunch. Well alright!! We all worked together and put our outdoor skills to good use by gathering our needed materials, building up a fire, and cooking mac and cheese over the open flame! We had a grand 'ol time playing with the pups and hanging out around the fire. It was so nice to be outside with them. 

Anthony is full of great ideas. I love playing hooky from school! Especially since it gave everyone a much needed electronic break. Thanks for the fun time, kiddos! 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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