

Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Fun

It's hard to believe that Easter has come and gone! 

Friday evening we headed over to Grandma Cathy's for dinner and to dye Easter Eggs! We had close to 30 eggs this year, which the kids thought was awesome because we never seem to have enough and someone is always upset that they didn't get to dye many eggs. This year was argument free. Win! 

The kiddos made some beautiful eggs! 

Anthony and Molly both know the truth about Easter and that Mama and Papa are the Easter Bunny. So this year, after Timothy had already fallen asleep, we let them help hide a few eggs. But only a few! It's not fun when you know where all the eggs are! So off to bed they went so we could finish hiding the rest and get out the baskets! 

In the morning, we did our Easter egg hunt first. They were filled with plain mini chocolates, organic gummies, money, and special coupons I made up.....like "you choose what's for dinner tonight" or "stay up an hour later and watch tv in Mama and Papa's bed" etc. etc. Those were a hit with the kiddos and a great way to limit the amount of treats in the house. 

Next up, Easter baskets! All the kids were excited about their loot....books, new water bottles, clothing items, herb seeds to plant, a few yummy candy bars, etc. They definitely loved their baskets this year....especially Tim and his jump rope! That boy hasn't stopped yet! 

We were granted beautiful weather this year! So later in the day, while the kids hid in the house behind closed curtains, Sam and I hid the eggs that we all colored outside! We really enjoyed the outside hunt because there was so much more space to hide the eggs! Daisy enjoyed it too....she kept trying to eat them as I hid them. 

We shared our Easter afternoon with Grandma Cathy and our neighbor Ted as well. We enjoyed smoked ribs, bacon braised brussel sprouts, sweet potato salad, and saute'd broccoli with apple. I also made a blackberry/blueberry cobbler. YUM! 

A wonderful Easter with all my little Hunny Bunnies! 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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