

Friday, June 8, 2018

Daisy's First Calamity

Daisy has experienced her first calamity. Nothing major, just a cut on her leg from who knows what. 

It really would have been no big deal if she would have quit licking it so excessively. I know that's how dogs care and heal themselves, but Daisy went overboard and took a pretty mild cut and blew it up into to this red, angry thing with no hair around it. *sigh* 

So off to the vet we went. A cone and bandaging it up was called for. That was not a fun appointment, as my large, but still quite puppyish dog, was all freaked out and did not care to be in a room full of people she didn't know. guess we better start socializing her more. 

Just a few hours after our amazingly fun vet appointment, Anthony called from school complaining of a headache and not feeling well. Being a headache sufferer myself, I don't play around with headaches and minimize the affects of one on someone's well being. So I swooped in and picked him up from school and sent him off to bed. 

A boy and his dog. Both feeling yucky on the same day. 

You know how long the bandage lasted? 12 hours. The cone was a joke. Clearly not big enough for Daisy and made no difference in her ability to get at her leg. So she chewed the bandage off. I re-bandaged it, and she chewed that off too. So I just took the stupid cone off because it was only good for being annoying. I wasn't about to bring her to the vet again and relive that experience, just to have her rip the bandage off as soon as we got home, so I hit up Petco for those special bandages that taste yucky and deter licking. Nope. I'm pretty sure the only thing that would stop this dog from licking her leg was to pour hot sauce on it....and for obvious reasons, that's a no go.  But maybe.....? LOL

So in the end, we gave it a go, and it just didn't work. Leave it to Daisy to not follow the vet's instructions. On the bright side though, it's looking better despite everything. And she is on antibiotics to fight against any type of infection. I think we're good to go. 

And if we're not, I can live with a 3 legged dog. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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