

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May Garden Progress

Our sweet garden is just chugging right along, getting more and more beautiful every day! 

The snap peas came in sporadically, lol. I think when Mols and Tim were helping to plant the snap peas, they missed spots. Ah well, that's ok. I planted in the empty spots a week ago, so it'll eventually fill in! 

The raspberries are doing well. I had to go back and cut out a few more dead ones that I thought might be ok, but unfortunately didn't make it. However, I have TONS of new little growth that'll be great for next year! I'm not sure how abundant the raspberry yield will be this summer, but as long as I get a few as a snack each time I come down to water the garden in the summer, I'll be happy! 

The broccoli is doing amazing! I didn't realize the plant itself got so big! They're huge!! They've just shot right up, and all but a few have started to grow their broccoli crown! I know nothing about growing broccoli, so I'm not sure how big I should let the crown get before I pick it! Super excited for home grown broccoli! 

The carrots are now big enough for me to know they're not a weed when I weed the garden beds, haha! The kids are already excited about picking the carrots, they love pulling them out of the ground and dumping them in the bathtub to wash! 

Like the broccoli, the strawberries have just exploded! We will have TONS of strawberries this year. It's crazy to think four mother plants two summers ago could spread and take over so quickly! I might have to get some netting to drape over them so the birds and yellow jackets stay away! 

The cabbage looks great! I'm glad we planted more this year.  Molly loves the fact that her cabbage that she got from her teacher as a summer growth project, is the biggest, lol. 

Like the snap peas, the cucumbers came in quite sporadically. We only have one mound where all the seeds took! And I know everything was planted correctly....Sam did it, not the kids, lol. Still, I think we'll be just fine and get enough to make pickling worth our time. 

We are very excited about our pumpkin patch! We planted way earlier this year, so we'll be getting an extra 5-6 weeks of growing time before picking! So far they are doing great! Each of the four beds came in nicely. No vines yet, of course, but I'm excited to start seeing them appear, spread, and then those beautiful yellow flowers! 

So far so good! And we are just getting started! How exciting it will be to watch the snap peas trellis up and get that first ripe berry! 

With love,
Mama Hauck

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