

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November's Carrot Harvest

3 weeks ago we decided our carrots were ready! We picked a few to taste-test and my gosh, they were sooo delicious! We should have harvested them that day.....but Anthony was at a friends house and he really wanted to help, so we held off. 

Unfortunately, being so busy recently, we kept putting it off, always bumping it down the to-do list. With freezing weather right around the corner though, we knew we had to get it done. Soooo time to harvest our second planting of carrots!! The kiddos and I got to work yesterday right after school! 

The ground was soft, which made it easy to pull the carrots out of the ground, but it was cold out and our fingers were freezing! We should have done it last week when we had 65* weather. ;)

We worked like a well oiled machine, despite frozen fingers. Pulling, de-topping, and cleaning up our mess and raking the garden beds in about 25 minutes! Great job, kiddos!

Time to give these filthy carrots a bath! We had enough to fill our bath tub! Timothy was our big helper for this job. After washing, I gave them all a once over, cleaned up any scraggly parts, then bagged them.

Our bounty!! Enough for us and to share with friends too! There are two quart size bags for Anth and Mols to take to school. Five half-full gallon size bags to give to friends. And three stuffed full gallon size bags for us that we will stick in the fridge for now and deal with once we get past Thanksgiving.

We got a lot of funny looking carrots this go around! The kids really got a kick out of finding them.   

 I call this one frog legs. 

 This one is called the inch worm.

 And this one, my friends, is Mr. Dick. For obvious reasons. This was Sam's favorite. HAHAHA

With love,
Mama Hauck

Ohh!! I almost forgot to share! Look what we were still getting....all the way until the end of October! Super awesome!


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