

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hello 1st Grade!

Anthony is currently in school as I type this up! My little man is officially in first grade! I wonder what he's doing and if he's having a good day? 

Oh and me? I'm having a great day! Without having to play referee for Anthony and Molly, I've managed to clean the whole kitchen and appliances top to bottom, organize our huge spice rack in our pantry, and do the usual chores like sweeping, dishes, laundry, and vacuuming. Molly has been playing fairly and Timothy likes to hang outside with Grandma, so it's been an extremely productive day! Ahh yes, back to school time is glorious.

Papa made Anthony a special breakfast of pancakes and eggs while I packed his lunch.

Then it was time for photos! I made a special sign for Anthony just like I did for him last year. I plan to do this every year so I can have a record of his growth and how much he changes throughout the years.

I can't believe he's in first grade. Looking back at his school photos from last September.....it just hits home the fact that children grow up and change so much.....even in one year. I'm excited to get him off the bus in a few hours and hear all about his first day in his new class with his new teacher and new friends. 

Tonight we have his first soccer practice as well as Molly's open house. Busy busy!

With love,
Mama Hauck

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