

Monday, February 1, 2016

Mama, Pick Me Up


The time is soon coming where I will no longer be able to pick you up. Not only that, but you won't need me to. This deeply pains my heart and fills my chest with such a heavy sorrow. 

Yesterday, while out and about shopping, you asked me to pick you up and carry you a few times. I was surprised, as usually you fight me when I want to hold your hand while out of the house. I'm not sure why you needed that extra closeness so much yesterday, but I didn't mind. How could I resist those little hands reaching up to me and your sweet voice calling out, "Mama, pick me up, pweas." My back and arms protested, and my wrists ached later in the day, but all I could think about was how close I am to not being able to carry you at all, and how close you are to never asking me to pick you up again. 

I don't think my heart is ready to not have a "little one" in the house. But there is no stopping time and there is no denying that you are becoming more and more independent with each passing day. Growing and learning and showing everyone what a sweet young boy you are. 

Promise me you will at least let me hold your hand as I walk you into Preschool next fall. And if for some reason you need me to pick you up.........I will. 

Love you, Hunny Bunny. 

With love,
Mama Hauck

1 comment:

  1. I hear you Becca Lynn, Maybe that why Sarah came later down the road...I miss my babies. Grandma piggy backs Timmothy but that would probably be to hard on your back. All our love to everyone. Will try to call tonight to talk to Anth. Got his super sweet note in the mail 2 days ago, we were so thrilled!
