

Thursday, April 5, 2012

6 Years Ago...

On 04-05-06, at the age of 19, I married my husband. It was an extremely small ceremony down by the beach not far from our home at the time. We had wanted the large wedding with all our friends and family, but even your best laid out plans will sometimes change. So we did what was best for us and kept it quaint, 0 stress, and virtually free. It was beautiful. 

(Photos courtesy of my Mom)

Last year my mom had the kiddos and Sammy and I went and got new tattoos as an anniversary gift to each other:

This year, however, in all my sickly miserableness (still), we've made no plans. And I'm just fine with that! My friend Molly graciously offered to watch the kids so Sam and I could go have a nice dinner out, but there's no way I'm leaving the house. Give me the couch, a blanket, and maybe some chocolate thrown in there and I'm a happy camper.  :)

Happy Anniversary Lover!!

With love,
Mama Hauck


  1. Maybe she could watch the kids and you could go hide in another room and rest together! Happy anniversary!

  2. Does it feel like six years? Happy Anniversary Becca!

  3. Oh, and I love that you posted Danny's Song. I can just hear you and Sam singing it. :)
